Wednesday 22 June 2011

Apologies for the blog title - all the good ones were taken

So I've joined the blogging world (again but don't tell) - having spent the last 2 hours trying to figure out a catchy, clever, meaningful title for this piece of literary genius in the making, I have come to three conclusions:

1. My brain does not work in a catchy, clever or meaningful way
2. Everyone else's brains do (seriously - EVERY idea I had was taken)
3. I'm really lucky nobody can see my computer screen in the office

Clearly, my blog title isn't catchy, clever or particularly meaningful unless you're me.  But as this is supposed to be about things I like, things I think, or some sort of comforting, cathartic therapy then spaghetti, ham and cheese fits pretty well - seeing as it's my favourite thing to eat (after foie gras, Beluga caviar and Kobe beef of course), I think about it rather a lot and it is my go-to comfort food.

So here we are.  Prepare yourself for my ramblings on things I like, things I don't like (to name a few; people who walk slowly, unusually loud breathing, sniffing, eating, slurping or talking) as well as the latest things / place / activity I am obsessed with (you will learn that I am prone to well as brackets and italics.)  I'm hoping that on occasion I may be writing to someone other than Mr. B. Logger (from Canada, for sure) so I will try to be interesting if at all possible (see conclusions 1 & 2 for why this may not work out.)  I'll also try to keep it from being an uninhibited rant, although the thought of that is very tempting. 

So I'm going to leave you with my thoughts for the day on what's been happening in the world (mine and everyone else's):

- On a serious note - the violence in East Belfast, NI this week is an absolute disgrace, for this situation the opposite of the famous Churchill quote seems to apply... never was so much owed to so many by so few.  Normal citizens in/from Northern Ireland don't want this violence - we never did!

- On a not-so-serious note - loved the story about the baby penguin getting lost and ending up on the beach in NZ - loved it even more that it was a male baby penguin.  

Over and out Mr. B!


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