Wednesday 29 June 2011

In my latest fad….

So, as mentioned, I am prone to the odd fad.  Or two.  My latest one is borne of the desire to reduce* my not-remotely-tasty muffin tops.  So hi ho hi ho it’s off to exercise I go.  And it’s all been going swimmingly so far.  I’ve been cycling to and from work as well as availing of the fab Boris bikes in Laandan town to zip between meetings.  I don’t think any of the Tour de France cyclists have anything to worry about just at the moment (although perhaps I could out-EPO them if I put my mind to it) but I’m definitely feeling a bit fitter.  The invention of the strange nappy like cycling leggings is possibly the best ever….well, apart from wine, Spanx, Thai Sweet Chilli crisps, Gossip Girl, fake tan, iPhones, GHDs….okay so maybe not the best invention but my behind is still extraordinarily grateful.  In addition to becoming the next Victoria Pendleton I have also been running – well, jogging might be a bit more accurate, and through this have discovered the ability to multitask quite effectively.  It turns out I can run and embarrass myself simultaneously.  Case in point – running / jogging home from work yesterday I became aware of something brushing against my arm; glancing round I was at first mystified and then horrified and astonished in equal parts to catch sight of something pink, lacy and suspiciously like my brassiere dangling from my open backpack.  I hastily stopped and stuffed the offending item back in my bag before setting off again apace.  At which point I practised my multitasking again – this time perfecting the art of running / jogging and laughing like a lunatic at myself. 

*Eliminate without thought or care for casualties

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely hilarious!! The bra incident is like something I would do!! lol...
